So this is tricky.
I try to keep you fat and sassy with relevant information and timely updates in this newsletter. And this week has been filled with cool experiments and big decisions. That sounds like great newsletter fodder, right?
Apparently, no - at least not this time. The most notable decisions were covered in asterisks, and subject to change in the near future. Giving out that kind of half-baked information is likely to confuse or frustrate y’all with details that flop around before eventually firming up.
Regarding experiments, Rex has been chipping an idea out of a gray area of the law. It could end up being completely new, fun and interesting for the Tribe. But it also requires a detailed conversation with our lawyer (a saint) before pulling back the curtain.
Due Diligence and all that. I give it a 50/50 shot.
So what are we left with? A weak-ass newsletter that’s more of a tease than anything useful. I humbly throw myself upon the mercy of the Tribe. My penance shall be served in the form of a pile of rare whisk(e)ys at my feet, and a broken glencairn in my hand.
Or maybe a light spanking? Just throwin’ it out there.
~ Magnificent Bastard