Don’t you hate it when someone is vague and unhelpful? I mean, I can’t think of a more inconsiderate thing in the world than teasing people with hazy promises of “soon” and “it’ll be great.”
It’s just not cool man....
So I’m gonna do that exact thing now. Sorry! I can usually aim my brainy bits at firmer info for this newsletter. But this spicy possibility is all I can think about - and it’s definitely too premature to share specifics.
All I can say is that Crowded Barrel’s equipment has always been pretty meager. I could tell you that size doesn’t matter, but c’mon.
Sure, the new whiskey still is a dramatic improvement, but the other equipment upgrades we need to really fire on all cylinders aren’t a practical option yet… YET.
I’ll keep you posted when / if things continue to develop. Just know that we're heading in an exciting direction, and we’ll blast out updates and content the moment we go from soft potential to firm plan.
Consider yourself annoyingly teased. My glass is too full to be sorry.
~ The Magnificent Bastard